Friday, August 10, 2007

The Dreaded Dentist!!

I'm not the most concientious of brushers or flossers. "Once a day is more than enough" has been my motto (even though my mom made sure I brished twice as a kid) and that's why I'm up at 6:30 in the morning about to get ready to a trip to the dreaded dentist!!

So this is what happened. While have a piece of extremely delicious banana nut bread (baked by a good friend of mine), I felt a hard clunk in my mouth. At first I thought that my friend had lost her baker's touch. But on further investigation it turned out to be part of a dislodged pre-molar. Gross!!!!

And so I dutifully freaked out. I was waiting for the pain to begin.... but that did not happen.... at least not right away.

The next day I went for my usual run. Thursday runs are short - only 4 miles. By the time I finished my 2nd mile, my tooth began to hurt. It started with a mild throbbing and quickly promoted itself to a full blow toothache. I knew that waiting to go to a dentist would not work. I had to get this thing fixed.

I hate dentists. I know they're important blah blah blah. But I've always been afraid of them - if I was Ron Weasley - they were my spiders. Not getting my tooth fixed will definitely prevent me from continuing my running (and I have to run 13 miles on saturday). I cant see myself running 13 miles with a bloody toothache.

So, here I am... facing my fear... and looking forward to the dentists chair.

Pray for me.

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