Tuesday, August 7, 2007



As I watched some of my friends finish the NYC half-marathon on sunday, I felt elated. I felt like I had been left out. I felt tears well up. Good thing I was wearing really dark shades!

I had run 12 miles the day before in Central Park. A nice run ... an easy run. I knew I could have run more if I had wanted. And now I was standing on the side instead of crossing the finish line. I was wearing sandals, shorts and a brown cotton t-shirt. I should have been wearing my dry-fit shirt, running shorts, my slightly worn-out sauconys, my faulty pedometer, fuel belt with Gu gels and music (yes... we wear all that when we run).

But as much as I felt like I missed a chance, I felt even more proud of some of the people who ran. People who had overcome tremendous obstacles, mental barriers and physical limitations to complete the half-marathon. Some finished in almost 3 hours. My tears were for them. These are the people who I look up to for inspiration.

Let me explain.

I have been running for about 3 years now. Never too much. 2 miles one day.... 3 miles after a few days.... and so on. The maximum I had ever run was 4 miles one day while I was watching Sienfeld. I wasn't a distance runner when I started... but I wasn't bad. I could do 3 miles in less than 30 minutes. It did not take too much effort to complete 3 miles.

However, some of the people I'm training with are running for the first time in their lives. And they dove straight into a marathon program. And did they dive in!!! They jumped right into the deep end!! And while all of us follow the same running schedules, I can see that its easier for me than its for them.

But they still run on.

They run the same 12 miles that I do on Saturday mornings. They resolve to run - and come what may - finish their runs. And when I bitch and moan (to myself) about how my 10th/11th mile seems so difficult, I know it will be even more difficult for them... and I know that they will still complete it. Some of them smile when it gets tough... some frown... some fret. But all will finish their runs.

Will I be able to push through the same barriers when I get to them?

These people are my inspiration.

I have only one problem. Once these people get better - and they surely will - who then will inspire me?


Prutha Raithatha said...

Dont worry Manav, I shall always be bad enough and struggling hard for you to look up too. I promise!
BTW: I hate you for finding this running thing soo easy. Ur right when you say its tough for some of us...and I cannot tell you how.

Manav said...

Its not that I find it easy. I find it difficult too. I just think that its not as difficult for me as its for you. I still crib and bitch and moan when I do my long runs.

BTW, I feel the same towards Vishnu... he runs so fast. :(